

Monday, November 14, 2011

Clearblue Easy Digital Ovulation Test, 20 Count (Packaging May Vary)

Clearblue Easy Digital Ovulation Test, 20 Count (Packaging May Vary)

Cheapest Clearblue Easy Digital Ovulation Test, 20 Count (Packaging May Vary) Low Price

By : Clearblue

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Clearblue Easy Digital Ovulation Test, 20 Count (Packaging May Vary)
List Price : $43.44
Our Price : $38.00
You Save : $5.44 (13%)

In Stock
Every woman's cycle is unique and most people don’t realize that there are only a few days in a woman’s cycle when intercourse can result in conception – and only 2 days when it is most likely: the day prior to and the day of ovulation. That’s why women turn to ovulation tests for help maximizing their chances for conception. The Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test is an easy-to-use home ovulation test, and is over 99% accurate at detecting the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge. The optical reader interprets your result and gives you a clear smiley face in the result window when the LH surge has been detected, identifying your 2 best days to try for a baby. For women whose cycles vary from month to month, it can be especially challenging to accurately detect the timing of the two most likely days to get pregnant. This 20 count test kit will give you the highest chance of detecting your most fertile days whenever they occur.
  • Gives women a greater chance of detecting their fertile days, even if their cycle lengths are variable
  • Completely clear result: A smiley face in the indicator window pinpoints your 2 most likely days to get pregnant
  • Over 99% accurate at detecting your LH surge
  • Take the test any time of the day
  • 20 Clearblue Digital Ovulation Tests included

Clearblue Easy Digital Ovulation Test, 20 Count (Packaging May Vary)

Clearblue Fertility Monitor Test Sticks - 20 Pack Tube. Duration : 2.42 Mins.

How Are You Avoiding the Silly Mistakes?

Dealing With Increasing Complexity - In a world of ever-increasing complexity it is becoming very difficult to maintain high standards and control mistakes, especially the silly ones that seem to be repeated, even by competent people. There is a surprisingly simple answer to this fundamental problem that many businesses suffer from. But very few people want to implement it because it offends their ego. On the 30th October 1935 a test flight of the new Boeing Model 299, nicknamed the Flying Fortress, took off in front of an elite group of executives and military top brass to show off its superiority over the competition. To all present it was a given that the new aircraft would easily trounce the other designs on offer.

As it took off and soared into the clear blue sky over Dayton, Ohio it stalled, turned on one wing and fell out of the sky into a fiery explosion. The investigation revealed that there was no mechanical failure; it was due to "pilot error". A local newspaper said that the new aircraft was "too much airplane for one man to fly". This incident lost Boeing the contract and they almost went bankrupt. However, a small group of test pilots were convinced it was flyable and would give the US air superiority in any conflict. Instead of implementing more training, which until then had been the answer to improving safety, they set about developing an ingeniously simple approach; a pilot's checklist. Early planes may have required nerves of steel but they were not very complicated, giving a pilot a checklist for takeoff would have been similar to asking a driver to use one for backing out of a garage. Things had rapidly changed and the new plane was too complicated to be left to the memory of one person; no matter how well-trained they were.

If They Can Do It... - In his recent book "The Checklist Manifesto" the expert surgeon and author Atul Gawande tells the story of how the humble checklist has been used to save thousands of lives in critical surgery around the world. In one impeccably researched test including St. Mary's Hospital, London and others in Jordan, Tanzania, Canada and New Zealand he recorded a one-third reduction of deaths and complications by using a ninety-second checklist. It was achieved at virtually no cost for almost any operation. This checklist is now being adopted throughout the NHS and around the world. However, it was a challenging task to implement the checklist because there was massive resistance.

How could you create a checklist to deal with the extreme complexity of surgery? One recent study of forty one thousand trauma patients found they had 1,224 different injury related diagnoses in 32,261 unique combinations. Atul and his team of researchers also had to break through the egos of doctors and surgeons. "Checklists are for nurses" they said, "We are specialists and experts, so don't need them". One courageous surgeon named Peter Pronovost decided to give the principle of the checklist a try and developed a simple version for his doctors to avoid infection in Intensive Care. It seems silly to make a 5 point checklist for items that all doctors knew about and had been taught for years but initial observations identified that they skipped one of the 5 steps in at least a third of patients.

A Revolutionary Step - They then took a revolutionary step. They authorised nurses to stop doctors if they saw them miss a step on the checklist and if a doctor ignored them there would be personal consequences for the doctor. The results were so dramatic that at first Pronovost and his team didn't believe them. The 10 day infection rate went from 11% to zero. In a 15 month follow up study they calculated that the checklist had prevented 43 infections and 8 deaths and saved million in costs. Even with these powerful statistics many doctors were reluctant and cried "Forget the paperwork. Take care of the patient." It just goes to prove that it takes strong leadership to implement behavioural change - or to make the new behaviour rewarding. In one field test 80% of doctors used the checklist and confirmed it helped but 20% remained sceptical. However, when asked "If you were having an operation would you want a checklist to be used?" 93% said yes.

Activating Everyone - In another checklist experiment Atul observed that one surgical team had added an interesting item to their checklist. In large hospitals it is not unusual for a team to come together for the first time for a particular operation. So every person in theatre had to introduce themselves and their role. While this may seem very simple, it added to the considerable academic evidence that people who know each other's names work better together. It is called the 'Activation Phenomenon', when people get a chance to speak early on it seems that they are more likely to actively participate and take responsibility. It also means that they are more willing to speak up and contribute. After 3 months the number of team members reporting that they "functioned as a well-coordinated team" leapt from 68 to 92%. The now famous ditching of an Airbus 320 into the Hudson River when both engines failed attributed the phenomenal teamwork of the crew to a similar protocol. Consider the implications of this for getting more from your team. What are you doing to activate them?

Maintaining Consistency And Saving Time - All the best restaurants maintain consistency with numerous checklists that are finely honed to ensure that all the final dishes are meeting the required standard. The last check is usually the Head or Sous Chef observing, smelling or tasting the dish as it crosses the Hot Plate to the waiters. However, chefs don't call them checklists - they are referred to as recipes. Back in the 1980's when I was working as a chef in Michelin Starred restaurants my recipes were a short-hand of ingredients, techniques and timings. It is interesting to note that I didn't need a step by step list of each part of the process like domestic cookbooks; only the critical items and steps that made a difference.

This shorthand would be meaningless to others who lacked similar experience and skill. With complex menus changing monthly I developed a master checklist of key processes, components and critical ingredients all carefully written out by hand on a single sheet of A4. I then made photocopies for each day of the month. This meant I never had to write a daily to-do-list, I only needed to cross-off all the things already done leaving the 'to-do items' for this shift. I always left a small blank section on the sheets so I could write notes for the handover as required. The chefs on other sections would let their egos get the better of them by scoffing at my neat lists on a clipboard. But they were always fussing over scraps of paper and numerous to-do lists, often forgetting to make or order some item that was only remembered in the heat of the moment. This process was a big investment at the beginning of every new Menu but once it was done, it saved me lots of time and more importantly thinking space to focus on training more junior staff.

Develop Your Own - The development of checklists is a fine art that needs to be implemented with consideration not to overburden people but help them focus on the little - but critical - things that can cause inconsistency or persistent problems. A good place to start is to look at the regular and repetitive mistakes or errors, and then get the people involved to review the process and come up with a list of the 'critical factors / steps'. In your business the job-holders are the best people to develop and hone the checklists that they will use, but they may need some help from a manager to get started.

Remember... Stay Curious!

With best regards

David Klaasen

Clearblue 20 Teast

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Clearblue Easy Digital Ovulation Test, 20 Count (Packaging May Vary)

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