Buy Ovulation Tests: 20 Pack review for shop onlineBy : Early Pregnancy Tests Price : Please check price In Stock If you're trying to conceive, our 20-Pack of Ovulation Tests represents an excellent value on the highest quality ovulation test strip available. They're FDA-approved, highly sensitive (detecting a level of 25 miu/ml LH), and provide a high degree of accuracy in pinpointing your most fertile time of the month. Ovulation Predictor Test Strips work by allowing you to detect your monthly "LH Surge" - the dramatic increase in Luteinizing Hormone present in your urine just before you ovulate. Since the best time for fertilization of your egg to occur is within 6-24 hours after you ovulate, correctly gauging your body's cycle is extremely helpful in increasing your chances of becoming pregnant.
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Early Pregnancy Test Result - How to Confirm Pregnancy
It's common knowledge that there is a connection between intercourse, ovulation and conception. But what exactly this connection is, is not common knowledge. There are quite a few factors that interact to result in a conception. Conception is the union of the male sperm and the female egg.
There are an estimated 400,000 to 450,000 immature eggs in the ovary at the time of puberty. Once a woman begins menstruating,ovulation provides for the release of an egg in each cycle. On average, a woman experiences 450 to 500 menstrual cycles in her lifetime. The remaining eggs dissolve by a process known as atresia. The dominant egg in one of the ovaries matures and is released into the fallopian tube. Each ovary releases an egg alternately. If one ovary releases an egg the first month then it is the turn of the other to release an egg the next month. In rare cases, both the ovaries release an egg each, simultaneously, and this may result in the conception of twins. The released egg reaches the fallopian tube.
In the fallopian tube, the sperm and the egg meet and fertilization takes place. These tubes are blood rich with cells that secrete a protein rich fluid. This protein-rich fluid is used to nourish the egg till it reaches the uterus.
It takes around five to twelve days for the fertilized egg to travel through the fallopian tubes and implant itself in the uterus lining.
Once the fertilized egg gets implanted in the uterus lining, the developing placenta starts producing hCG. hCG is also known as the early pregnancy hormone. An early pregnancy test result that shows the presence of this pregnancy hormone in blood and urine samples will confirm pregnancy. The earliest possible test to detect this hormone is the Beta hCG test.
Initially, the level of hCG is very low in an early pregnancy test result, but as the pregnancy progresses, it rapidly increases. The quantity of hCG produced almost doubles, once every two days. It reaches 25mlU/ml (milli-international units per milliliter within ten days. A woman with hCG of 25 mIU/ml (or more) is definitely pregnant.
Tests are sensitive enough to detect hCG levels of 5 mIU/ml in an early pregnancy test result . Even these levels during pregnancy tests are regarded positive. Such levels of this hormone during pregnancy are found around six days, post fertilization. However, this may only be an indication of possible signs of pregnancy and does not confirm pregnancy.
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Ovulation Tests: 20 Pack
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