Cheap Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor -- Low PriceBy : Clearblue Easy Price : Please check price In Stock Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor The Clearblue@ Easy Fertility Monitor is the most advanced method of maximizing your chances of getting pregnant. Most home ovulation tests identify the 2 Peak Fertility days during your cycle by detecting the surge in Luteinizing Hormone (LH) that triggers ovulation. The Clearblue@ Easy Fertility Monitor is unique as it tracks 2 hormones to typically identify up to 6 fertile days - it not only shows you your 2 Peak Fertility days, it can also inform most women of an extra 1-5 days of High Fertility prior to their Peak Fertility. Since your partner’s sperm can survive in your body for several days, having sex on all of these days can lead to conception.
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Get Pregnant Fast With Clear Blue Fertility Monitor
Conceiving a baby might turn out to be a harrowing task for a couple if they are unaware about the period when ovulation occurs. But with the help of a clear blue fertility monitor, the problem can be shoved away with ease. This fertility monitor has the capacity to detect the days in a cycle when a woman has maximum chances of conceiving. These days are close to the period when the egg gets released from the ovary.
Luteinizing Hormone and Estrogen which are the primary female hormones, gets detected on the fertility monitor when there is a surge in the levels of these hormones in the urine. Starting from the very first day of the menstrual cycle, one need to perform the test for twenty days consecutively, this is subjected to the cycle length possessed by the person in question.
Performing the test is quite simple and can be done at home without the assistance of a health professional. By directly urinating at the test stick which consists in the test kit, and pressing the button on the fertility monitor will highlight the level of fertility which can be high low, or peak. Couples are suggested to have intercourse during the days when the monitor affirms the high and peak level of fertility, which inordinately increases the scope of getting pregnant.
Throughout the cycle, the monitor can assess an average of six days where the level of fertility is prominent within women. Before reaching the period of peak fertility level (which consists of two days), one can observe high levels of fertility for about one to five days. These monitors provide women an excellent opportunity to study their fertility pattern, so that they use it for their future reference.
The clear blue fertility monitor provides results which are ninety nine percent accurate, and this has been also proved in a laboratory test. If a person is under medication, the results displayed in the clear blue fertility monitor might be erroneous in nature, although the common pain killers and cough syrups cannot affect the results, it is still highly recommended to consult a doctor as far as the consumption of any type of medicines are concerned.
One of the best features of these monitors is that they can store the data of six past menstrual cycles. This data can even be transferred to the personal computer, and be used to draw an accurate chart of fertility levels. The clear blue fertility monitor is considered to be one of the best tools to increase the chances of pregnancy.
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