Sale Fertility Tracker - Saliva Ovulation Test review for shop onlineBy : Fertility Tracker Price : Please check price In Stock The Fertility Tracker® Saliva Fertility Monitor uses your saliva each day to determine your personal fertility status. It monitors levels of estrogen known to rise in the pre-ovulation part of the cycle. There are about 6 days in which you can conceive and the rise of estrogen and subsequent saliva ferning that occurs will help you pin point when you are ovulating. The Fertility Tracker® is the easiest, most affordable way to get the best possible results using saliva ferning methods. Many other pocketsize microscopes offer simple results but The Fertility Tracker® has the advantage over them all with it's powerful 100X illuminated magnification. This allows one to notice changes in saliva or cervical patterns earlier than the smaller microscopes. BUT The Fertility Tracker® also has the convenience of small size yet is sturdy. Where a pocket microscope has one slide surface the The Fertility Tracker® comes with a 6 slides allowing women to re-view their previous days results. This product is ideal for people with longer or irregular cycles. Friendly and Helpful support is offered by company owner, after you buy for useage issues and other infertility related issues.
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Best Fertility Days
When are the Best Fertility Days?
Women who are trying to conceive always want to know how to determine their best fertility days. Fortunately, there are several methods that can be used, and most women can settle on one or the other without too much ado. The most common method is fertility charting through the use of a basal thermometer, but there are other ways to determine ovulation as well - such as by gathering/examining cervical mucus, or by using OTC ovulation predictor kits.
The best fertility days can usually be pinpointed by monitoring and tracking the woman's temperature on a day-to-day basis. For this method, a basal thermometer is used, because it is much more accurate (up to 1/100th of a degree) that your typical thermometer.
The woman takes her temperature first thing in the morning, at the same day every day. After a few days, she will notice a consistency in body temperature, and eventually, an inconsistency. This inconsistency will be a slight rise in overall temperature, from between.5 and 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
This indicates that the hormone progesterone has been released, which is an effect of the ovulation process. At this time, she is the most fertile, and will remain so for two or three days after the egg has been released. Another way of identifying the best fertility days requires the woman to gather and examine her own cervical mucus.
While for some, this may be unappealing, others find it easier than getting up early every day with a thermometer. When mucus increases, becoming tacky and stretchy, this is usually an indication that ovulation is imminent. A dry cervix is not conducive to fertilization, so during this specific part of her cycle you will likely see lots of thick, egg-like mucus.
Finally, many women find that most effective way to find their best fertility days is to purchase an ovulation predictor kit, which allows them to test for LH (luteinizing hormone). This hormone experiences a surge in volume that will register on one of these kits, using a urine test similar to those designed for pregnancy. Simply put, a positive test = fertility.
On those days, a woman trying to conceive should seek intercourse. By using one or more of the above methods, any woman should be able to easily track her best fertility days, and therefore use that information to increase her chances of conceiving.
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