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OEM Parts - OEM Honda Motorcycle Parts For Your Bike Project
I remember my first motorcycle. Well, technically my second, but the first one was just a little 80cc dirt I had as a kid. So let me start over. I remember my first street motorcycle. It was a gift from my grandfather. The motorcycle had sat in his garage for years and years and was practically disintegrating into the concrete floor, many of the parts were rusting away. The motorcycle was a 1966 Honda Scrambler 305 (CL77). I remember seeing it sitting there when I was a kid and even taking a picture sitting on it with my two brothers. I had fond memories of that motorcycle. I always wanted a motorcycle which is why I would sometimes ask my grandparents about it. Then before I knew it, it was mine. The title was signed over and I had my first classic Honda motorcycle. The only problem was that it didn't run...
I had never worked on a motorcycle before then and so was a little intimidated. But wanting to learn and being curious how it all worked I eventually began taking it apart, piece by piece. Most of the part on the motorcycle I had no idea what they did or what they were called. But slowly I got through it, learning more here and there. I went so far that I even dissembled the entire transmission. I had the gears out and everything, talk about jumping right in.
Many parts on the motorcycle needed replacement. I had a very difficult time finding OEM parts for such and old bike. There just weren't many parts available for it, at least not where I was looking. For those of you wondering, OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer. Basically, the original parts. I looked around at some Honda dealerships but even their old stock of parts was extremely limited. For many of the parts that I couldn't find an OEM part for I actually ended up either getting some custom made or just fabricating it on my own.
It was after that first encounter with rebuilding a motorcycle that I learned having that having great resources for finding hard to find parts is more than invaluable. It can save you so much time and frustration from searching countless stores, junk yards, other web sites. I really wish I knew about back then.
Like I said, what I really could have used at that time was a place like This online store has such a huge selection of OEM parts for Honda motorcycles. and other bikes and toys, that it's almost hard to believe. It's like they went around and bought up all the OEM Honda motorcycle parts in existence. This online store really is an irreplaceable resource for anyone rebuilding a Honda or other motorcycle from the ground up, or even just replacing a few parts.
Just a quick browsing of their tremendous online catalog, lets see what I can find.
Honda - OEM Parts > 1966 > CL77 (See, they list my specific motorcycle).
Left crankcase cover, right crankcase cover, frame? (are you serious), front wheel, muffler, points, tail light. I'm just grabbing random parts that they have available. In fact it looks like I could probably build an entire motorcycle just from their parts if I wanted to. Now that is impressive!
If you're looking for an original OEM part for your Honda motorcycle, or if you're looking for an original OEM part for your non Honda motorcycle I really must insist that you head on over to to find exactly what you're looking for. is the web's largest power sports store and actually has OVER 7 MILLION POWER SPORTS PARTS AND ACCESSORIES. With everything from carburetors to clutch plates is the best resource for OEM Honda Motorcycle Parts that I have seen.
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