Buy Ovulation Tests: 10 Pack Low PriceBy : Early Pregnancy Tests Price : Please check price In Stock If you're trying to conceive, our 10-Pack of Ovulation Tests represents an excellent value on the highest quality ovulation test strip available. They're FDA-approved, highly sensitive (detecting a level of 25 miu/ml LH), and provide a high degree of accuracy in pinpointing your most fertile time of the month. Ovulation Predictor Test Strips work by allowing you to detect your monthly "LH Surge" - the dramatic increase in Luteinizing Hormone present in your urine just before you ovulate. Since the best time for fertilization of your egg to occur is within 6-24 hours after you ovulate, correctly gauging your body's cycle is extremely helpful in increasing your chances of becoming pregnant.
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Can an Early Detection Pregnancy Test Be Correct?
It can be frustrating not knowing if there is a new life growing within you. This can be for either being happy about it or not. Using an early detection pregnancy test can alleviate this frustration.
The accuracy of these tests can be as high as 99%. This is typically seven days after a cycle has been skipped. There are some that will even offer results much quicker than that.
The way an early detection pregnancy tests works by testing the hormone levels in the urine. The levels of certain hormones will increase in a woman who is with child. These hormone levels can be tested most commonly after seven days of conception.
These will be higher in just days, but the accuracy is more relevant after the full week has passed. Some women will have ten times the hormones at that time. This increase in hormones is the best way that you can determine if you are with child or if there is another reason for a missed cycle.
It is important that you follow the instructions to the extreme in order to have the best chance at a correct test result. Some tests will need to be taken in different ways. Some you can simply urinate on while you are normally using the bathroom. The others may want you to use your blood instead.
In some cases, stress can cause a cycle to be skipped. If you wait the full seven days, you will know for sure if stress is the cause or not. You will also have a better chance of getting a correct result. Having a false test return will not help your stress levels nor will it be healthy for the unborn child if you are pregnant.
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