Best Buy First Response Daily Ovulation Test, 20 ct. review for shop onlineBy : First Response List Price : $45.99 Our Price : $32.00 You Save : $13.99 (30%) In Stock 1 month supply. No more guessing cycle days! Over 99% accurate (Over 99% accurate in detecting the LH surge in laboratory studies)! No. 1 Pharmacist recommended brand (Based on the Pharmacy Times 2008 Pharmacist OTC recommendation survey). This kit contains 20 First Response Daily Ovulation Test sticks and instructions (English and Spanish). Laboratory testing shows that there are enough test sticks included in this kit for over 90% of ovulating women to detect their hormone surge. Contains 20 test sticks for a month of testing: First Response Daily Ovulation Test takes the guesswork out of finding your peak fertility days because you begin testing immediately the day after your period ends. Then you can test daily for the next 20 days. Why test for LH surge?: Your two most fertile days begin with the LH surge. Therefore, you are most likely to become pregnant if you have intercourse within 24-36 hours after you detect your LH surge. LH surge: The presence of two similar pink lines means you have detected your LH surge. The test line may be darker than the reference line. No LH Surge: The presence of one line, or two lines with the test line lighter than the reference line, indicates that you have not yet reached your LH surge.
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First Response Home Pregnancy Test
Do you want to know when you are pregnant as soon as humanly possible? Most women do, though some wait it out because they don't want to be disappointed by an early miscarriage. They feel that if they are going to miscarry early, perhaps they are better off not knowing it. They just think they had a late period. On the other hand, those that are trying very hard to get pregnant might want to test as soon as they can, and the First Response home pregnancy test is a great choice for finding out if there is a baby on the way or not.
The First Response home pregnancy test is one of the more reliable tests on the market today. If you want to make sure that you are getting the right answer when you take any pregnancy test, this one is right up there in reliability. If you want to know early, this is a great bet as well. As long as you understand how pregnancy tests work and how early is too early to test. You do not want to go out a day after ovulation to buy a test. You could very well be pregnant then, but you are throwing away your money. No test made today can tell you that early.
When your body is in the first half of pregnancy, it produces what is known as HCG. This chemical keeps the pregnancy in place so that the baby can grow. Without it, you are going to miscarry. This chemical is what the First Response home pregnancy test picks up, and what all others are looking for as well. Some are just better than others at finding this chemical earlier. You want a very sensitive test. Some say that they can tell you a week before your missed period, but you could be just throwing away your money there as well. Wait a few more days before you try an early predictor test.
The amount of HCG you produce very early is so small that almost no test could pick it up. You could take a test and see that you are not pregnant and get very disappointed. It is not that you are not pregnant, it is that the test could not pick up on the minute amounts of HCG in your body at that time. This is why even though you can test early with a First Response home pregnancy test, you should wait at least a week and a half after you suspect you have ovulated. A few days before your missed periods is about as early as these are going to work, and sometimes, they won't even work then.
If you want to test early, this is a good test to choose. However, you want to do a few things before you use this test, as it is on the pricy side and you don't want to waste it. Decide what day is good for testing, and then wait until the next morning. The HCG in your system is going to be more concentrated in the morning making for better test results. Remember, a positive is a positive, but a negative could just mean you tested too early. If your period is late after a negative, you may want to test again.
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