Shop 100 Ovulation Test Strips & 20 Aimstrip Pregnancy Test Strips review for shop onlineBy : BabyHopes Ovulation Tests Price : Please check price In Stock BabyHopes ovulation prediction test strips help you pinpoint your LH surge which is the precursor to ovulation. Our tests will show a positive result at 20 mIU/ml LH. Once the surge is detected, you will ovulate within 24 to 36 hours. Knowledge of this information will help you time intercourse for the highest chances of conceiving. The Aimstrip pregnancy test strips can confirm pregnancy as early as 6- 8 days past ovulation due to their high sensitivity (20 mIU/ml hCG) in detecting human hCG. To help lower the chances of a false negative, the best time to test would be at 9 or 10 days past ovulation. Detailed testing instructions will be included with your purchase. The strip format of these tests require that you collect your urine in a clean container and then dip the tests into the urine. You will not be able to urinate directly onto the test strips. Limitations of the BabyHopes Ovulation Test Strips The test works only if the instructions are followed precisely. The LH One-Step Ovulation Test Strip should not be used for contraception. Some prescription drugs, such as menotropins may affect the test result. Certain rare medical conditions or the onset of menopause can cause elevated levels of LH. Some women do not ovulate every cycle and they will not see any increase in the level of LH hormone during these non-ovulating cycles. Women with Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) may not get reliable results from ovulation tests. Please check with your doctor if you are unsure.
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Ovulation Calendar to Conceive a Boy - There's a More Reliable Way
I run a website that is geared toward couples that are trying to conceive a son. Recently, I received a request to include an "ovulation calendar to help conceive a boy" on the site. I wrote back and explained why I don't include these. The reason is that there are far superior, and less old fashioned, methods that will yield much better, more reliable results. I'll explain why this is so in this article and tell you what works better. I'll also provide you with additional things that you can do to greatly increase your odds of getting the son you want.
How Ovulation Calendars Are Supposed To Help You Conceive A Boy: You have a few choices with these calendars. You can use one of the online versions available or you can use a traditional paper calendar. They basically work like this. You enter in the first and last day of your menstrual cycle a few months prior to when you actually want to conceive. This will tell you the length of your cycle. You are then directed to conceive approximately two weeks prior to the start of your next period, or mid way through your cycle. For most women with a 28 day cycle, this is somewhere around day 14. This is really just a numbers game. There is no physical testing taking place. It is just a guesstimate, really.
There are problems with this, though. Not every woman has a 28 day cycle and sometimes, women will ovulate earlier or later in their cycles. Not every month is exactly the same for every woman.
I experienced this first hand when I was not having any success using old fashioned methods like calendaring, cervical mucus monitoring, and basal temperature when I was trying to get pregnant. Every time I approached day 14, I would anticipate all of the signs to tell me that the time was right, but I was never really sure and I wasn't getting pregnant.
Finally, I started using an ovulation predictor and was horrified when I did not get a positive reading around day 14. I was afraid I wasn't ovulating at all, but was stunned when my saliva showed a positive reading at day 20 one month and even later the next. It wasn't that I wasn't ovulating. It was just that I was ovulating almost a week later than the calendars were telling me I should. And, once I knew this, I had no problems conceiving.
The Science Behind Conceiving A Boy: The reason all of these ovulation predictors come into play is because correctly timing your conception to correspond with your ovulation is vital to conceiving a boy. That's because, comparatively speaking, the sperm that produce a boy are weak . So, if you conceive well before the egg is ready, the boy sperm will deteriorate, weaken, and die off before conception can even happen. Therefore, it's important to know exactly when you ovulate so that you aren't too early (if you are, the odds are better for a girl.) Ultimately, you want to conceive on the day of or just after ovulation to get a male baby.
Ovulation predictors can tell you more definitively when this happens by testing your urine or your saliva rather than just guessing. I like the saliva models better because they are reusable and you don't have to use first morning urine or worry about running out.
Other Things You Should Address If You Are Trying To Conceive A Boy: It's vitally important that you time your conception right, but don't stop short there. There are other things that can optimize the weak boy sperm's odds. One way is to use intercourse positions that give these little guys less of a distance to travel. This means deeper penetration.
Another thing that you will need to do is lower your acidity and PH. The reason for this is that a high vaginal PH is not at all friendly to boy sperm. But, you can neutralize this through your diet and / or through douching or both (using both together will get you faster results.) Again, there are tools that can make this easier. You can test your PH with strips you can get online or at health food places. Then, you'll know how much work has to be done before you're at the optimal levels to conceive a boy. There are also food lists and douche recipes to take the mystery out of this.
The real key is to get the timing right, get the positioning right, and then get the environment right so that all of these variables are working together to yield far greater odds for success (over 95%, some say) than a simple, old fashioned calendar that many times leaves you guessing.
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