Sale Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor Test Sticks, 30 count (Pack of 1)
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What is Infertility? - It's Not What You Think
Infertility probably isn't what you think it is:
- It's not the same as being sterile.
- It's not the end of your dreams to have babies.
- It's not just a woman's problem.
Because it's complicated, let's break it down to questions you might ask after really "trying" to become pregnant for a few months without success. That's when the doubt and fear begins and you really need to understand what you're dealing with. So here are typical questions and answers, in the sequence you might ask:
Q. What is infertility?
A. Doctors and the infertility treatment community define it as 12 consecutive months of really "trying" to become pregnant and not succeeding. At that time, your gynecologist will begin diagnosis. But if you are older, say 35, the gynecologist will run tests sooner.
Q. Why so long? Twelve months is a lot of trying.
A. About 75% to 85% of normally healthy couples will become pregnant in a year of trying. But some may take longer even though there are no infertility issues. So doctors focused on 12 months as a reasonable point to define infertility as a condition to be diagnosed and treated.
Q. Does trying harder help?
A. Yes, to a point. Engaging in intercourse more frequently, at least once a day during your fertile days in each monthly cycle is recommended. So yes, twice a day is better. But trying smarter is better than harder. And trying too hard can be stressful.
Q. When specifically are my fertile days?
A. Counting the first day of your period as Day #1, your fertile days are Days 11 through 17, one full week when trying harder is most likely to be productive. That assumes you have a normal 29 day cycle and ovulation begins on Day 14.
Q. What if my periods are irregular or always longer?
A. Check with your doctor to get a better idea for timing your ovulation. You can also use web-based tools to predict your ovulation. And you can use a product such as Clearblue, a urine test, to tell you when you are most likely to conceive.
Q. Aren't there some "positions" that work better than others?
A. For most women getting pregnant is too easy, which is why we all worry about birth control. But others need a special position to collect maximum sperm closest to the cervix. That could be done in various positions that are described on websites.
Q. How will the doctor know if I'm infertile?
A. The gynecologist will take your history, examine you, and order lab tests of your blood and urine samples. Test results often point to hormone infertility - an imbalance in hormones needed for ovulation, fertilization, and egg implantation. But you partner needs to be tested too.
Q. Why does my partner need to be tested?
A. The male partner is responsible for infertility in 40% to 50% of cases. So he needs to see a urologist who will arrange for semen analysis of a sample collected at the lab. And no, he can't carry it in, it has to be freshly deposited at the lab.
Q. After the tests, what happens next?
A. Cases differ too much to answer that specifically. Your doctors will explain the course of treatment, if needed.
Q. What are the odds of beating infertility?
A. Pretty good, actually. About 85% of women are successfully treated without the need for in vitro fertilization (IVF). Usually that involves taking medication to boost your hormones (for both men and women) or hormone injections. Some women require surgery to improve ovulation. And some men need surgery to repair vein abnormalities in the scrotum.
Q. So if you were me...
A. I'd try to relax a bit to take the pressure off. I'd try smarter and harder, and I'd have some faith that the medical specialists will be able to help if treatment is needed.
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Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor Test Sticks, 30 count (Pack of 1)
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