Sale Accu Clear Total Ovulation Line Test (5 Days + 1 Pregnancy Test) review for shop onlineBy : Accu Clear List Price : $19.99 Our Price : $13.11 You Save : $6.88 (34%) In Stock Tells you the 2 best days to conceive
Monday, February 27, 2012
Accu Clear Total Ovulation Line Test (5 Days + 1 Pregnancy Test)
Friday, February 24, 2012
Blood Type Kit - Also Includes: 1 Eldoncard, 1 lancet, gauze, alcohol wipe, micropipette
Best Deal Blood Type Kit - Also Includes: 1 Eldoncard, 1 lancet, gauze, alcohol wipe, micropipette review for shop onlineBy : EldonCard Price : Please check price In Stock EldonCard Blood Type Kit is a fast, easy to use blood typing kit contains everything required to determine blood group and Rh factor using a whole blood sample obtained from a finger prick without the need for separate reagents or laboratory training. The EldonCard is a patented test card device that comes specially treated and impregnated with dried antibody sera Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-Rh used universally for determining Blood type by the forward typing method. Creates a Permanent Blood Type Record Card for medical histories and emergencies.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Cycle Beads for Ovulation Prediction
Cheap Cycle Beads for Ovulation Prediction Low PriceBy : CycleBeads List Price : $13.95 Our Price : $11.86 You Save : $2.09 (15%) In Stock Want an effective, natural, and fun way to predict ovulation - your most fertile time of the month? Try an innovative new method called Cycle Beads - an attractive string of beads that represent the days in your menstrual cycle. Each color-coded bead stands for a single day in your monthly cycle, and the color of a particular Cycle Bead on a particular day indicates whether you are fertile or not. It's that easy - and a highly effective form of fertility awareness!How do Cycle Beads Work?Cycle Beads represent your menstrual cycle and function as a tactile ovulation calendar. Each bead stands for a single day. On the first day of your period, you simply place the rubber ring on the red bead (representing cycle day 1). On each following day, simply move the rubber ring ahead by one bead (an arrow reminds you which direction). As you move through your cycle days, when the ring is on a dark or red bead, fertility is low and your odds of conceiving are less. However, once the ring moves to a white bead - typically cycle day 8 through 19 - you know that you are nearing ovulation or perhaps already ovulating. While the ring is on a white cycle bead, you are at peak fertility and your chances of becoming pregnant are high!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
10 Early Detection (LH) Ovulation Test Strip Pack
Sale 10 Early Detection (LH) Ovulation Test Strip Pack Low PriceBy : Devon Medical Price : Please check price In Stock CONTENT OF THE TEST KIT 1. One pouch containing a strip and desiccant. The desiccant is for storage purposes only, and is not used in the test procedures. 2. Leaflet with instructions for use. PLEASE NOTE: LH tests cannot be frozen. Please make sure you have an indoor mailbox before placing the order in winter since the package will be shipped by USPS.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
3M Digital Basal Thermometer
Cheapest 3M Digital Basal Thermometer review for shop onlineBy : BD Price : Please check price In Stock Basal digital thermometer
Monday, February 13, 2012
FertileCM: for Fertile Cervical Mucus
Cheapest FertileCM: for Fertile Cervical Mucus Low PriceBy : FertileCM List Price : $21.95 Our Price : $19.95 You Save : $2 (9%) In Stock Recommended by fertility expert Amos Grunebaum, MD, and based on Nobel-Prize winning research, FertileCM is the dietary supplement designed to promote the healthy production of cervical mucus (CM) - the bodily fluid so important to fertility and conception. In addition to supporting the production of cervical fluids, the ingredients in FertileCM have also been shown to support a healthy endometrial (uterine) lining and increase female arousal, sexual sensitivity, and libido.FertileCM integrates vitamins and key nutrients, including the amino acid L-Arginine, which promotes the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), a chemical that is produced naturally in the body and that supports several key bodily functions. In fertility, nitric oxide safely increases circulation and vascular relaxation in the reproductive organs, and supports the production of endocervical secretion during ovulation.° For trying-to-conceive women, FertileCM may increase the odds of pregnancy by enhancing the presence of fertile-quality cervical mucus. As fertility expert Dr. Amos Grunebaum indicates, "for many women, problems with cervical mucus - or CM - may cause obstacles to getting pregnant. If cervical mucus is not present or does not provide a fertile medium for sperm, then conception may be inhibited. FertileCM is designed to help women produce fertile-quality cervical fluids - and by implication increase the chances of conceiving." Moreover, scientific studies indicate that the same ingredient that supports cervical mucus also increases edometrial secretion to prepare the uterus for implantation.In established studies, key ingredients in FertileCM have been shown to:Naturally and safely support the production of cervical fluids. Increase arousal and sexual stimulation. Increase hydration of the mucin (liquidity of mucus). Promote mucus alkalinity and mucosal thinning. Support a healthy endometrial lining for successful implantation of the embryo.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Midstream Ovulation Tests (5 Test Kits)
Best Deal Midstream Ovulation Tests (5 Test Kits) Low PriceBy : TestCountry Price : Please check price In Stock Midstream Ovulation Tests help you detect the right time to attempt to conceive a child. It works by predicting when there will be a LH or luteinizing hormone surge, a prime indicator that you are ovulating. Just place the test in contact with your urine stream and wait for your results to appear.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Eat Right 4 Your Type Home Blood Typing Kit with Eldoncard
Best Buy Eat Right 4 Your Type Home Blood Typing Kit with Eldoncard Low PriceBy : Right 4 Your Type List Price : $9.95 Our Price : $6.25 You Save : $3.7 (37%) In Stock Easy, Self-testing Blood Type Kit - Everything you need to discover your blood type and rhesus factor in the comfort of your own home - pain free.This affordable kit comes complete with everything you need, including instructions, finger lancet and alcohol prep, plastic applicator sticks and testing card. Performing the test is easy. After first cleaning with the supplied alcohol prep pad, the finger is lanced with the sterile disposable lancet. The hand is then turned downward and a drop of blood is placed on top of each of the four sticks. The sticks are then applied to the card, and stirred for two minutes. The results are then read from the card. Total time to results is less than six minutes. Single use blood typing kit (for educational purposes only).
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Babycomp-Birth and Gender Planning
Best Buy Babycomp-Birth and Gender Planning review for shop onlineBy : VE Valley-Electronics GmbH Germany List Price : $700.00 Our Price : $685.00 You Save : $15 (2%) In Stock BabyComp provides natural birth and gender planning, natural pregnancy and contraception control, early warning of pregnancy based on women's ovulation information it detects, collects and processed by its embedded computer.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Lady-Comp Fertility Monitor - Fahrenheit
Buy Lady-Comp Fertility Monitor - Fahrenheit Low PriceBy : VE Valley-Electronics GmbH Germany Price : Please check price In Stock Trying to get pregnant? Can't take the pill? LadyComp is the best tool for supporting Natural Family Planning and the Fertility Awareness Method. Developed and manufactured in Germany, Lady-Comp has enjoyed tremendous confidence among women and their physicians as Europe's most trusted and recommended fertility monitor. A computer programmed with data from 700,000 cycles, the Lady-Comp sensor captures Basal Body Temperature and then analyzes, learns, and predicts the user's cycle with a 99.3% accuracy rate. With consistent compliance, the device indicates infertile days and provides insight into the fertile window of opportunity before, during, and after ovulation, and retains user data for each day of the previous nine months. No other fertility monitor has the capability to so easily and precisely support natural family planning and the Natural Fertility Awareness method. Now available in the U.S. Lady-Comp is shipped INSURED PRIORITY MAIL FOR ALL CUSTOMERS.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Ovulation Midstream Tests
Shop Ovulation Midstream Tests Low PriceBy : Early Pregnancy Tests Price : Please check price In Stock Ovulation Predictor Midstream Tests work by allowing you to detect your monthly "LH Surge" - the dramatic increase in Luteinizing Hormone present in your urine just before you ovulate. Since the best time for fertilization of your egg to occur is within 6-24 hours after you ovulate, correctly gauging your body's cycle is extremely helpful in increasing your chances of becoming pregnant. The Ovulation Predictor Midstream Tests are FDA-Approved, highly sensitive (they detect LH with a sensitivity of 25mIU/ml) and provide a high degree of accuracy in helping you conceive. All orders are shipped same day via US First Class mail and usually take 2 to 5 days for delivery. (Minimum purchase .00.)
Monday, February 6, 2012
20 Ovulation Tests Strips + Free 5 Pregnancy Test Strip ( Free Shipping )
Cheapest 20 Ovulation Tests Strips + Free 5 Pregnancy Test Strip ( Free Shipping ) review for shop onlineBy : Wondfo Price : Please check price In Stock The Clinicalguard Ovulation and Pregnancy tests are one-step tests for early detection of pregnancy. Simply dip the test in urine and an indication line will be able to show the results.
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