Buy Lady-Comp Fertility Monitor - Fahrenheit Low PriceBy : VE Valley-Electronics GmbH Germany Price : Please check price In Stock Trying to get pregnant? Can't take the pill? LadyComp is the best tool for supporting Natural Family Planning and the Fertility Awareness Method. Developed and manufactured in Germany, Lady-Comp has enjoyed tremendous confidence among women and their physicians as Europe's most trusted and recommended fertility monitor. A computer programmed with data from 700,000 cycles, the Lady-Comp sensor captures Basal Body Temperature and then analyzes, learns, and predicts the user's cycle with a 99.3% accuracy rate. With consistent compliance, the device indicates infertile days and provides insight into the fertile window of opportunity before, during, and after ovulation, and retains user data for each day of the previous nine months. No other fertility monitor has the capability to so easily and precisely support natural family planning and the Natural Fertility Awareness method. Now available in the U.S. Lady-Comp is shipped INSURED PRIORITY MAIL FOR ALL CUSTOMERS.
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Lady-Comp Fertility Monitor - Fahrenheit
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