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Spotting During Pregnancy
Identifying Reasons for Spotting during pregnancy
Light bleeding or spotting, as they usually call it, is a common happening during pregnancy. It may be regarded as a not-so-serious condition due to the many physiological reaction in a woman's body during this childbearing stage.
If you are spotting and you are not pregnant... you might want to take a pregnancy test!
Some might confuse the spotting from bleeding although the latter is more serious and requires immediate medical attention. The spots can vary in color from light red, red, pink to brown, which is a usual color of a blood when it dried up.
During the first trimester of pregnancy, spotting can be very common. But while most people usually regard spotting as nothing but a common sightings at this stage, monitoring one's health should be put at the top of everyone's priority.
Causes of Spotting
There are many reasons for the cause of spotting and one some of them are enumerated below.
a. Increased Blood Supply To the Cervix. The increased blood supply to the primary internal genital organs of pregnant women. This increase blood supply may leak out to the linings of the cervix and, in turn, causes scant bleeding.
b. This is also caused by after-effect of Pap smear examination, sexual intercourse or any internal activity which destroy the internal linings of the cervix. For implant patients, several episodes of spotting is expected during the first week of the fertilization.
c. Dividing Egg Cell Burrowing into the Wall of the Uterus. This can also be caused by the action done by the dividing fertilized egg cell which clinging into the walls of the uterus, the organ where the developing baby is nourished and undergoes development.
This type of soft bleeding will only last for about one or two days but may extend until the fourth or fifth day but should it continue on the sixth days, it should be consulted with your medical doctor for checkup.
It shows that less than 8% of women experiences spotting or none at all, however, for any concerns on pregnancy, especially for first-timers, regular check up is needed in order to check no any developments of spotting.
d. Vaginal Infections. Several vaginal infections may also cause spotting for pregnant and non-pregnant women alike. Sexually transmitted diseases for example may cause spotting. Vaginitis or Bacterial vaginosis, several types of vaginal yeast infections and trichomoniasis, are just some of the vaginal infections which may cause spotting.
Others such as herpes simplex, gonorrhea, and Chlamydia may irritate the linings of the cervix and causes the vulnerability of the cervix to irritation.
Irritated cervix would then cause bleeding if external means will be applied in the area such as when undergoing a Pap smear test or after having sexual intercourse or any serious medical condition such as cervical (benign) polyp which can become cancerous at anytime.
It shows that 10 to 64% of American women suffer from any of these diseases at any time during their lifetime
Complications Arising From Spotting
Spotting can be very dangerous especially if it would last for a week. For most women, spotting may suggest that an early onset of an abnormal pregnancy or miscarriage. Along with this sign, other may include dispersed bouts of abdominal pain and frequent cramps.
At this stage, ultrasound and a series of other laboratory tests carried out by your OB should be done in order to ensure the safety of the unborn. Half of pregnant women who experiences advanced spotting and bleeding miscarry and most experiences severe complications.
For the first week of spotting, an ultrasound showing heartbeat between 7 and 11 as a rate is a good indicator of ruling out miscarriage and continuing pregnancy on a clear and healthy state.
Other Issues Related to Spotting
Despite in advances in technology, most doctors are still unable to find the reason for the causes of spotting among pregnant women. While many of us are concerned on the daily activities that may induce spotting and in turn endanger the health of your unborn child, it is well advised to consult your local physician or obgyne so that they would be able to look closely on the cause and advice you on some activities will help you lessen the chances of recurring any episodes of spotting.
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