Sale 14 BabyHopes Ovulation Test Strips Low PriceBy : Baby Hopes Price : Please check price In Stock Baby Hopes Ovulation Test strips help you pinpoint your LH surge which is the precursor to ovulation. Once the surge is detected, you will ovulate within 24 to 36 hours. Knowledge of this information will help you time intercourse for the highest chances of conceiving. Use of Ovulation Test - Detailed test instructions will be included with your purchase. The test strip format requires that you collect your urine in a clean container. You will have to dip the test strip into the urine in order to use this test format. You will not be able to urinate directly onto the test strips. Limitations of the Test - For single in vitro diagnostic use only - use test only once for urine screening. Do not use test kit beyond expiry date. The test works only if the instructions are followed precisely. Although the LH One-Step Ovulation Test Strip is highly accurate and sensitive in detecting ovulation, an extremely low incidence of false results (positive when no ovulation exists or negative when ovulation exists) can occur. The LH One-Step Ovulation Test Strip should not be used for contraception. Some prescription drugs, such as menotropins may affect the test result. Certain rare medical conditions or the onset of menopause can cause elevated levels of LH. Some women do not ovulate every cycle and they will not see any increase in the level of LH hormone during these non-ovulating cycles. Women with Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) may not get reliable results from ovulation tests. Please check with your doctor if you are unsure.
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2011 Hot Christmas Toys - Choosing the Best Baby Toys
When it comes to searching for the best baby toys for a 0-6 month old, there are a lot of different factors to consider. Babies develop at a rapid rate, and the toys you buy for them should help encourage that. Here's a guide to the key areas you'll want toys to help with, as well as some baby toy examples.
What Toys Do Babies Like?
Because of the way young babies see objects, the best baby toys at this stage of life should come in bright, bold colors without too many small details. It's a lot easier for baby to follow the toy and what's happening if the shapes are large and obvious. Babies also love toys that stimulate them with sounds, whether this means a simple mobile, or soothing music recordings.
Learning New Expressions
During the first six months of life, babies also start to recognize faces and imitate your facial expressions. For this reason, toys with a personality are popular. This can mean simple hand puppets or even stuffed animals. It also helps for you to make silly expressions for the benefit of your baby: they learn a lot more from this than you might realize!
Developing Hand-Eye Coordination
The best baby toys will help your little one to develop essential skills, including hand-eye-coordination, as they learn to reach for items and pick up or control elements of basic toys with their hands. Babies are also learning how to roll onto their tummy, and to eventually sit up and crawl. Any toy that encourages this kind of activity should be welcomed by your baby.
Exploring Objects With Their Mouths
During the first few months of life, babies start to explore new objects with their mouths. This means you need to be very careful about the kinds of toys you give your baby to play with. If you've got older children, keep their toys out of baby's reach, and always check the manufacturer's recommended ages on the toy packaging. Keeping your child away from any small parts (including common household objects) is important until the age of four.
Which Toys Should You Buy?
Bearing all of the above points in mind, which toys are best for babies up to 6 months of age? Here are a few suggestions:
* Cot mobiles,
* Unbreakable mirrors,
* Music recordings,
* Rattles,
* Balls,
* Stuffed animals,
* Squeeze toys.
Always check the recommended age range before buying any toy, and remember that all babies develop at different speeds. By buying the best baby toys, you'll be helping them to develop the vital skills they need as they grow and learn to control their actions.
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